Some Bunny Left You an Easter Treat!
Know somebunny that could use some Easter cheer? You might try stopping by with a sweet treat to help brighten their day. First, put together a quick Easter surprise for your lucky friend! Here's a few gift ideas: a basket full of Easter goodies a small potted plant or Easter lily a chocolate bunny or other seasonal candy a small stuffed animal Then attach this cute Easter tag to your gift and find a time to deliver your surprise. [caption id="attachment_936" align="aligncenter" width="480"] Some Bunny Left You a Treat Printable Easter Tags[/caption] [caption id="attachment_952" align="aligncenter" width="480"] Printable Easter Gift Tags[/caption] I'm sure your special somebunny will love their gift, but if they look like they still need a little more excitement you could always try sharing some of these amazingly…